222 Nepean Street Fit-Up
Ottawa, ON

Home for the Canadian Coast Guard

DLA partnered with Atkinson Schroeter Design Group (ASDG), once again, to fully renovate all 11 floors of a vacant office building in downtown Ottawa.  Working closely with PSPC, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Bona Building & Management Co. Ltd., our team designed all floors with GC Workplace Fit-up Standards to become the primary home for the Canadian Coast Guard in Ottawa.  The flexibility of design on each floor aligned with security requirements and restricted ceiling conditions to allow a variety of workspace configurations, furniture layouts and urban view opportunities along the building’s perimeter strip windows.  The fit-up program included specialty spaces such as executive suites, operational boardrooms, training facilities, memorabilia display areas and a large, flexible gathering space for organizational “town hall” meetings and visitor events.